Falmouth removing bricks from crosswalks

Work teams remove the bricks from a crosswalk in Falmouth after it was determined that they were no longer serving their purpose.

In what has come as a surprise to many, the town of Falmouth is set to remove the crosswalk feature that was introduced to certain sections of roads in the town, which was done in a bid to enhance the aesthetics of the town.

Since last Friday, work teams have been in the town removing the paved stones that had made up much of the crosswalk. According to a representative from the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) based in Trelawny, they received a request for the removal from the Trelawny Municipal Corporation (TMC) because it seems that the bricks are not holding up.

Several of the bricks have come loose in places due to heavy units traversing that section of the roadway. The representative related that the exercise is being done under the terms of the contractors’ defect and the end product will be that they will be using asphalt in those spaces going forward. He related that it is up to the municipal corporation to decide what to do with those sections of the roadway after the remedial work has been done.

The work on the crosswalk and some other areas forms part of a larger project set to cost in the billions to develop the tourism product of the town that is being funded by the PAJ. Since the inception of cruise ship tourism Falmouth, there have been complaints that much has not been done to bolster its image. Sections of the town have been pedestrianized to meet the changes, however, it is determined that the crosswalks are not working out.

Shamir Brown



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